I was thinking about religion today after writing about paranormal investigations yesterday. Most western… Read the postMissing The Point
I believe we are made of energy. There’s electricity that powers our brain and… Read the postGhosts of the Past
Yesterday, I wrote about the commandment to not bear false witness. The entire situation… Read the postLove is Organic
One of the ten commandments is always stated wrong. People always say that it… Read the postBearing False Witness
I have been dealing with a cluster migraine for about a week now. When it… Read the postFeeling the Pain
I have been married for over twenty-one years now. When we were getting pre-martial counseling,… Read the postI Choose
I read about these amazing families where talent runs in the blood. Several generations… Read the postThe Stories I Tell
I am continuing to learn a lesson about writing. As other people read what I… Read the postSharing My Story
Yesterday, I wrote about my friend suddenly passing away. I also wrote about the war… Read the postEverything Could Change