I have written about feeling like an alien before. I don’t feel like I really… Read the postBelonging
There’s this phenomenon that people talk about lately called brain fog. I have it sometimes… Read the postBrain Fog
I was reading about speaking in tongues today. It’s a spiritual gift listed in the… Read the postSpiritual Gifts
I’ve been reading about religion and The Bible. I believe that The Bible is filled… Read the postSpiritual Truth
Someone tried to talk to me online last night. I was civil to that person,… Read the postModern Tower of Babel
Yesterday, I was feeling cold, and I went outside to sit in the sun. … Read the postGiving Myself a Break
I was walking out of the grocery store with my husband yesterday. I told… Read the postWalking Through a Minefield
My husband and I were talking about the concepts of Heaven and Hell today. … Read the postBeing Close the the Creator
The pandemic started around March 2020. It is now July 2022. I know for many… Read the postLeap of Faith
I was thinking today about how my mother told me how my grandmother didn’t… Read the postThe World is too Much