Having OCD makes life difficult sometimes. When things change in my life, I struggle. The… Read the postFeeling Really Alone
I found out today that some things might be changing at work today. It has… Read the postFear Turns to Anger
I had a bad day yesterday. I sometimes forget about what my life was like… Read the postHaving a Bad Day
My blog is called My Faith Saved Me, but originally, I was going to call… Read the postIncomplete on my Own
Yesterday, I was writing about how God doesn’t expect us to deny human nature. Today… Read the postTaking a Step Back
I was talking to my husband last night about my thoughts and my post yesterday… Read the postFinding Balance
I remember having an English teacher in my junior year wanting me to come speak… Read the postKnocking on the Door
With science and technology, we can do so much with the human body. We can… Read the postThankful for how He Made me