I was watching a TV show. Someone was being interviewed about a crime that they… Read the postMy Story
I shared with one of my writing communities that I was thinking about making writing… Read the postI Want to Live
I’ve been having trouble with some relationships. I have been trying to deal with the… Read the postFacing Fear
In this age where we think in terms of sound bites, 3 minute Tik-Tok videos,… Read the postLiving in the Moment
I was thinking about how it seems like fear and anger lead to most sin.… Read the postHolding God at my Center
Yesterday, I wrote about finding God’s guidance. Today, everything seems even more clear than I… Read the postAnger & Fear
My stomach has been hurting all day. I feel like there’s a knot in my… Read the postAfraid to Take the Wrong Path
I was talking to my husband yesterday about playing games at a family game night. … Read the postHow Fast Things Change