I have been having a bad allergic reaction the last few days and it is… Read the postSpinning Out of Control
I saw this horror movie where a daughter is taking care of her mother with… Read the postWhat I can Control
Someone from my critique group gave me a bad critique of my writing. It was… Read the postMake the Work Better
I read a thread yesterday where a Satanist talked about her religion. I gained a… Read the postBeyond the Physical Realm
I was interacting with a social media group and there was a discussion about symbols.… Read the postSymbols
I wrote an email to a friend yesterday and said that I often joke with… Read the postSquare Peg in a Round Hole
I started writing for many reasons, but I think one of them was to find… Read the postI Want my Own Voice
I recently wrote a story that was based on my father. Today, I have been… Read the postThese Moments Define My Life
I never understood when people said “I can’t” when it came to helping someone else.… Read the postI Can’t Change any of this