Today I am going to a Christmas party. I think for most people the idea… Read the postChristmas Party
There’s a commercial on TV for Heinz ketchup that says “Adulting sucks”. The whole idea… Read the postLiving Free
I told my husband about thinking about feeling my spirit extending past my own body.… Read the postGrounded
I had to drive somewhere today. As I waited at a stoplight, I started to… Read the postThe Spirit isn’t Contained
It would be great if I could tell millions of people about my experiences and… Read the postLost in Darkness
Last night my husband and I went to go see a Christmas light display. The… Read the postEnjoy the Ride
I started to read a book on conspiracy theories. I have found that almost all… Read the postNo one has Control
Twenty-three years ago today my husband and I got married. There have been ups and… Read the postMaking a Vow to God