
Last night I was writing about dualities. Something amazing happened. I thought that I would never understand how God transcends dualities until after I die, but last night I started to realize that there might be a way to understand it at least a little bit here on Earth.

Love and hate are the same, except they are just experienced in different types of energy. I wouldn’t be surprised if I were to ask a physicist about heat and cold.  They are probably the same experience with a different type of energy.  I know that people have been trying to say that male and female are binary and that the system isn’t binary.  Then, they said it is a spectrum.  I don’t keep up with the current trends so I don’t know what they are saying about gender and sexuality now, but I think maybe male and female are one in the same.  We experience the same sexuality just through a different energy. 

The only true binary, opposite, or whatever else you want to call it is a void or nothingness: the absence of energy.  I think we all understand it and it is that absence that puts fear into the heart of every human being more than anything else and makes people act more irrationally more than anything else on Earth.  The absence of love or hate is indifference and apathy.  Anyone who has ever felt truly lost or lonely, like the world could care less if they even existed, can related to this feeling.  It is a feeling of utter despair, and you feel like you want to die because your life feels meaningless.  The absence of life is death. No one knows what happens when you die, but we all know that when we die, everything our possessions, our relationships, our minds, and our bodies are taken away.   We lose everything in death.  That’s a scary idea.  Finally, for the faithful, my life has meaning because God knows me.  He gave me an amazing life out of pure love and no matter what happens when I die, if I make the most of this gift, then my life will be worth something.  Take away God’s Grace, and all that’s left is a void.  There’s just a black space and for me a universe and existence without God is probably with worse thing ever.  It means that nothing matters.  I don’t want to live that way. Thank God for His Grace.   Thank God for my faith and for all the blessing He gives.  Thank God for giving His only Son so that my life could be.

Merry Christmas.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.