Today was the last day of November and it also was the last day of National Novel Writing Month. I have waited an entire year, but this year I got all the badges and reached my goal. Last year, I reached my goal, but I messed up and didn’t get all the badges due to a technicality.
This analogy might seem strange, but I have seen a few documentaries on body building in the last few weeks. I was really impressed. The athletes train every day and they put years into their sport. It is very difficult and heart-breaking when they don’t win. However, when they don’t win, they just keep trying and striving. I see these documentaries and many of the athletes just keep working at it and they come back year after year and eventually they win. It’s a testament to having faith.
That same faith can be applied to anything in life: my writing, my work, my marriage, and my relationships. I don’t need to win or lose all the time. I just need to keep trying and striving to get better each time. Maybe one day the other human being around me will acknowledge my accomplishments, but even if they don’t, I can just keep trying and having faith. There’s a reason to keep trying.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.