My husband and I went to a Christmas parade last night. Whenever I am around many people all the energy is difficult for me, but I try. I decided to take some anti-anxiety medication before I went last night and it helped, but I noticed something about taking the drugs that really made a difference.
Whenever I give my worries over to God and I feel like I have a spiritual epiphany, I literally feel like there is a lightness in my heart as if something has lifted the worry from my being and lifted me up into a more relaxed state of being. It’s a wonderful feeling of peace. Whenever I take drugs, I admit they make me feel good, but I don’t like the way they make me feel good. Instead of giving me that feeling of lifting me up, drugs give me a feeling of being numb. It’s almost like taking a warm blanket and slowly smothering whatever I am feeling in my heart. Sure, I feel good and relaxed, but my worries are suppressed, and my heart is weighted down.
I guess that’s why people might get addicted to drugs. The good feeling will always be only a temporary feeling until the drug wears off. You’ll always need more drugs to feel that feeling again. Whereas with God, that feeling of inner peace is something that’s attainable all the time, it isn’t about taking a drug to feel that way. It’s about how I live my life. It’s about how I choose to see the world and what path to follow. I’ll admit taking a drug is easier, but that’s probably why it’s so easy to lose that feeling. Faith takes work, but faith gives back so much.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.