
Just after the pandemic started, I tried this new eating plan.  I started to eat small meals every three hours. I’ve been eating this way for over a year now and it’s great. I am more mindful about my eating, and I have been able to maintain my weight.  

With Thanksgiving, everyone tends to overindulge.  This time of year has always been a little difficult for me, but I try to remember that it should be about family and not food.  Yet, I find one thing still amazes me.   

When I eat very little food, I’m not hungry.  It takes a huge leap of faith for me to do that. I started my weight loss journey over eleven years ago.  When I did, I started eating small portions and my big fear was by eating smaller portions I would be hungry.  Every once in a while, I get hungry, but most of the time, I don’t.  In the last year, since I am eating every three hours, I rarely get hungry because I eat so often.   I find it scary because my eyes, body, and mind keep telling me that I have to eat or I’ll be hungry, but I have to have faith in my weight loss plan and know that I’ll be okay.    

It’s a lot like having faith in God’s plan.  It’s scary.  All the time, I feel like everything could go wrong.  I sometimes feel lost and confused or that I really should be going in a different direction.   Then, I remember to have faith in God’s plan.  I’ll be okay.  I just need to take that leap of faith.   

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.