I saw a news report about corrupt wealthy politicians. Something I never understood about these people who are usually older men is why isn’t anything ever enough. These people can have all the riches, wealth, and power in the world, and they would still want more. Then the answer suddenly dawned on me. They want more and more because they are afraid to lose what they have. I can understand that, except everyone dies and when you die, you lose everything: all your possessions, all your memories, your body, your mind, everything.
Religion tries to comfort us by saying that our soul will exist beyond, but we really don’t know what that means. No one knows what happens when we die, but it’s certain that everything we have here is gone. I’ll admit that I have considered losing everything. Not through death, but through some horrific tragedy. After all, I am the worst-case scenario girl. Thinking about having all the things I love just being destroyed or somehow taken from me scares me because I know it would hurt terribly. I would struggle to find my way out of that dark place. Yet, I know I would. I don’t believe I’m that strong. In fact, I know I’m not that strong, but I know that God is that strong. I know that even if everything was stripped away, no one could take God and my faith away. No one could take my hope and make me believe I was alone. I care about losing everything. I don’t want to die. However, if it should happen, I know that my soul has always belonged to God and wherever it goes or doesn’t go, I’ll always be with God. I don’t need possessions, power, money, or anything else to feel complete or saved. I have God.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside all of our hearts.