Living for Today

I found out something happened to one of my neighbors today. It is part of his story; therefore, I am not going to write about it.  However, the incident reminds me that life is fragile. I am on this life path with God and I think I know where it is going, but at any moment something could happen and everything could change.   A tornado could destroy my house and I could lose everything. A medical emergency could come, and I might lose bodily functions that I have now like the ability to walk.  I could even have an accident and die suddenly.  None of these events are things that I expect in the future. 

First, I can’t spend my life worrying about it. If I worried about every bad thing that could happen, then I would just spend myself in perpetual fear.  I wouldn’t be able to find a way  to be thankful for my life and I also wouldn’t be experiencing my life.  My faith tells me that the future is in God’s hands. 

Second, yes, all kinds of horrible things could happen to me. If something did, then I would believe it was part of God’s plan for me. I know it would be difficult and I would cry and complain.  I would struggle and doubt if I could get through it.  Yet, I have faith that somehow, I would.  I know I would because I know I wouldn’t have to do it alone. God would be there with me.  He won’t abandon me.  No matter how much it hurt or how desperate or hopeless I felt, I would find a way to give it to Him and thank Him for my life because that’s my faith. 

Finally, knowing that something unexpected could happen at anytime reminds me that I shouldn’t be living for the future.  I don’t want to live so that I will get some reward in Heaven.  I don’t want to work hard so that I will be happy one day in retirement.   I want to live today and embrace my life and be thankful for it today.  I don’t know what will happen tomorrow.  I don’t want to know that I was living for tomorrow.  I want to know that I can be thankful for the life I lived today.    

I was talking to my husband earlier today.  Sure, there’s things I would love to do in the future, but I love myself today.  I am enjoying the way my life is.  I feel blessed.  I have found the love of my life.  I am living a life of faith and trying every day to explore that.   I am thankful every single day for every moment of my life.   If some freak accident happened to me and I died tomorrow, my life was a life of love and a life of faith.  What else could anyone ask for? 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.