Yesterday, I had a migraine headache. The last thing I wanted to do was take my migraine meds, go back to bed, and let the medication work. I was angry that I needed to do that, but I found myself in a very sarcastic voice saying out loud the Serenity prayer asking God to help to understand what I had control over and what I didn’t.
I had to stop myself and realize that I was acting like a child who was pouting when she didn’t get her way. I realized at that point sometimes life doesn’t go the way I want and I can either be angry and childish about it or I can choose to accept what God has given me and find a way to be grateful.
If I look at it using the river metaphor, it goes like this: I might think I know what’s coming up downstream, but sometimes the river is going to twist and wind and I am going to go through unexpected rough waters. I can pout and be upset that the river isn’t what I expected or I can enjoy the ride that God has provided for me.
I decided yesterday to enjoy the ride. My husband is there to support me and help me. I am blessed to have medications that I know will help the headache. So, instead of fighting against my circumstances, I took my meds, I went to bed and I relaxed. I still have a slight headache, but the meds worked, and I am feeling better.
It’s a lesson that I am still learning. My expectations and desires are okay to have, but they aren’t that important. I have to be willing to let them go and just relax. My life is a river that doesn’t bend to my will, but to God plan. I just need to continue to keep having faith in His plan even when that river starts twisting and turning in unexpected ways.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.