I Am

I wanted to change something with my eating plan because I wasn’t making any progress. I made the change last Sunday.  It was difficult because I don’t like making changes with my OCD.  The worst part is this week, I gained weight instead of losing or maintaining it.  Every negative part of me wants to believe that the change I made was wrong and that I need to go back to what I was doing before.  However, I am not going to do that because I have faith.  

Every time in my life that I have ever made a decision of any consequence, I have always had this little voice in my head telling me that I should have gone the other direction.  That my way was the wrong way.  That I have just made the one decision that will completely change the course of my life and lead it to ruin.  I feel this way because I decided to eat an apple instead of a pear. It’s my OCD.  I’m sure my choices matter, and I know that I am making lots of them (millions of them) every single day.  It’s just that I believe that there’s forgiveness and redemption out there, too.   

Here’s a thought experiment. Tomorrow, I could be walking in my neighborhood with my dogs, and I think I see an insect on the sidewalk.  Without thinking, I jump into the street with fright.  When I do, I jump right in front of a speeding car, and it hits me so hard that I don’t survive. In one second, my life is over.  I don’t think my life should be judged on that one second when I jumped out of fright from that insect.  My life is so much more than that one moment.  Sure, I made a mistake, but I have faith that God will forgive me for doing something stupid. My life isn’t about just my mistakes.  It isn’t about when I did something right.   My life is about all my experiences.  Everything I do leads to the next experience and the only person who wants to judge if they were or weren’t mistakes is me.  God doesn’t make mistakes; God create life for me to experience.  

So, going back to my changing my eating plan.  My OCD tells me with everything inside of me that I am making a mistake.  I choose to believe I am just learning about my body and about life.  I am not judging my experience saying it is a mistake or it is going to be the most amazing life ever.  I am.   That’s it.   

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.