Beyond the Physical Realm

I read a thread yesterday where a Satanist talked about her religion.  I gained a perspective understanding where that train of thought comes from. Although I really don’t agree with where she was coming from, if I believe what I say, then I can’t judge.  Her path is her path.  I only know about my own path.

However, I was thinking that mine is very strange. I understand it is my path to be Catholic.  I also understand that for me God wants me to see Him as a Trinity with three persons in one God: a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. The important part is God wants me to see Him as this image.  I’m okay with that, but I’m aware that God transcends time and space.  He is beyond the physical realm and what He is truly goes beyond anything I could possibly understand with a feeble human brain. 

I realize that whenever I write about God, I refer to Him with male pronouns.  I only do this because the image of the Catholic God is male.  God, as I know in metaphysical form is neither male or female.  God transcends such dualities. 

The part that makes me life strange is that I don’t think most people comprehend God in that manner.  Most people would probably denounce my feeling through God because it doesn’t fit within religious code.  Maybe I just have a mind for philosophy.  Maybe I am totally deluded. I’d like to believe that somehow I’ve live enough to have the wisdom to know just a little truth. At least, I hope so.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.