A Ball on the Driveway

Today, I had the opportunity to sit in front of my childhood home for a while. I told my husband that I could not understand how I could have lived there over twenty years and yet I hated that house so much.  As I sat and looked at the house, my mind started to wander to different memories from my childhood.   I remembered playing with a ball on the driveway. I fell flat on my back knocking the wind out of my chest when I slipped on roller skates. There were countless days when I waited for the school bus to take me to school. I used to stare out the window and watch how the rain fell on the pavement and wonder what the rest of the world was like and if I would ever find my way into it. 

All these versions of who I used to be still exist and are part of who I am now. There are versions of my future self that exist as well.  For just a moment, I felt a tiny bit of God’s Grace.  I started to understand how He can see me at all the different times of my life all at once. I couldn’t grasp it completely, but I did understand one thing.  No moment is more important that all the others and all the moments together aren’t more important that just a single moment.  My life transcends time and because of that I should cherish not only the gift of my life, but each and every moment of my stupid little life as well.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.