The Power of Words

I had the opportunity to share stories with a woman today that had a very similar path to mine. There were several differences in our stories, but one big difference is that this woman had a far greater education than I have.  Yet, the education from books and schools still didn’t help with the healing of the heart.

At the same time, in one of my social media groups, someone had posted something about the Bible trying to use it to prove that there were no paranormal ghost or spirits and to say that instead there were just demons trying to mimic the dead for nefarious reasons. I just can’t believe that is true.

However, in both examples, people are taking matters of faith and turning to words in books for the answers. I believe everything has its time and place in Heaven and Earth.  Writing is a wonderful way to express my artistic side and it is also this amazing way that humans can connect with each other.  Yet sometimes the power of a word can only go so far.

I seek spiritual truth from the Bible, but I am always aware of the fact that those words while they are the words of God, they have been written down by men.  Then, the leaders of the church decided which words to include in the Bible.  Those same leaders edited those words and translated the words.  While they are the Word of God, they are filtered through man. 

When my heart is broken, when I have fallen and feel lost and overwhelmed, the written word may be able to offer me comfort, but what nourishes my spirit and gives me strength isn’t something found deep within a psychology textbook, a self-help book, or even a Bible.  At those times, what nourishes my spirit is the flame of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ burning within my heart giving me guidance and hope, letting me know that I can endure the next second, minute, hour, and day to come.  That’s my faith.  It isn’t found within a book.  It is found within the heart.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside within all of our hearts.