I shared with one of my writing communities that I was thinking about making writing the main focus of my career. It was hilarious. Although most of the responses were supportive, most of them told me that I would never be able to make enough money writing for a living and that I should keep my day job. I wonder what kind of support I would get if I told them that I believed I was a messenger of God?
I’m not planning on quitting my job and then expecting to write a best-selling novel. It just doesn’t work that way, but I would like to make a very slow transition to where I am not spending all day working and then trying to find time during my evenings to work on writing. It would be wonderful if I could spend some daylight hours writing as well. I don’t know how that will look, but I am willing to take a leap of faith and try something new. It is very scary, but I think that is the cool thing about leaps of faith. If they weren’t scary, then what’s the point?
Succeed or fail, at least I can say I tried. In the end, I think that’s all that really matters. At this point half my life is already passed and I have been blessed in so many ways, but if I am truly going to embrace life and follow my bliss, then I need to try to make this dream come true somehow. Even if I don’t succeed, I’ll be okay. I’ll find a way to endure, and God will be with me every step of the way.
I found it so funny that all these people were trying to be supportive, but they really just wanted to make sure I didn’t get hurt. When I get to the end of my life, I want to have looked like a ran a very difficult mile or been on a scary roller coaster or even just fallen down a whole bunch of times and kept getting back up. I want to have lived even if it means that life isn’t easy, I will sometimes fail, and I will sometimes get hurt. A life well-lived is worth it.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.