Living in the Moment

In this age where we think in terms of sound bites, 3 minute Tik-Tok videos, and short Tweets, it’s hard to imagine anything long lasting.  I find it even more difficult when I realize that I want to find a way to live in the moment.  However, I think there’s a huge difference between having a short attention span and living in the moment.  A short attention span means that the person doesn’t have any sense of history or planning.   The person is just thinking of the here and now.  They don’t have any appreciation for the past nor do they want to or care about the future.  Those who live in the moment find themselves immersed in the moment that they are living, they don’t let the past of the future drag them down, but it isn’t because they don’t care or appreciate it; they have found a way to transcend time.

These people realize that their minds and hearts should always be in the very moment that they are living, but that the moment that are living is part of history and will become a greater part of history to come.   They understand that they are not islands and that they are interconnected to the rest of the universe.  When I am truly living in the moment, I don’t let my past haunt me and I don’t worry about the future, but I also don’t forget about them.  The signal when I am truly living in the moment is when I feel connected to God, to nature, and to my brothers and sisters in Christ.   I am relaxed and I feel love because I know that I am a very small part of all of it.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.