I Can’t Force Myself

            I had a horrible night.  In the evening a got an email from my boss asking me to check out something.  Since it was Sunday night, I really shouldn’t have acted on the email until Monday morning. I tried not to think about it.  However, with my OCD mind, it was almost impossible. I tried watching TV, eating, and all kinds of other distractions, but nothing helped.  My mind kept going back to the email. 

            When it was time to go to sleep, I tried my best to relax.  I fell asleep, but even with sleep, I didn’t find peace.  My dreams were filled with thoughts and symbols all about the email.  When I got up today, I had to go as soon as I could to my computer and try my best to answer the email.  It was only until then that I was able to have my obsession satisfied a little bit. The sad part is that even now, my mind is still focused on the email.  It is very possible that I won’t be able to forget it for days.

            The truth about OCD is that I can’t force myself out of it. There’s no reason or logic to it.  The more I try to not think about it the worse it will be. The best I can do is just let it be and give the situation to God.  I can live with the thought rattling around in my head and I can enjoy the rest of my life.  Believing that and having faith in that is how I get through this day.  It how I got through last night.  Knowing I won’t have to do it alone is what gives me hope.

            My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.