I See All of You

            I told my husband today that he has a strong personality that sometimes pulls me forward and helps me to grow, but it can also overshadow me and drag me along.  Lately, I had been feeling really guilty because every once in a while, I would get a little resentful of that part of my spouse that could be a little overpowering.  However, today when I talked to him about it, I realized that there’s nothing but love for him. 

            It’s like there’s this personality trait in him and it can have a positive energy and a negative energy.  When he and I communicate and are open and honest with each other, his energy is positive, and it lifts me up.  When the world gets in the way and we aren’t at our best, sometimes our energy isn’t at it’s best.  His energy instead of lifting me up, weighs me down.  Yet, that’s just the energy that I am getting at one moment in time from him.  The amazing part is it doesn’t change the personality trait.  Whether in the positive or negative, he is still the man I fell in love with.

            I think that’s why there’s that part of the vows saying rich or poor, sick or health, etc., the vows are saying that I am choosing to love you no matter how the world gets in the way.  I choose to see you beyond what energy you put forth at any one moment in time, I see you; all of you.  I would like to believe that if there is one person I know better than anyone else, it is my husband.  I have faith that he is more than just that person I see in any particular moment in time. 

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.