We Are Not in Control

            During the months of April and May, I was having such a difficult time because it seemed like the weather was constantly changing from no rain to rainy and back again.  It was wreaking havoc with my pressure sensitivity, and I spent my days wishing that the weather would just stay the same for a little while.  Now it looks like the weather is going to stay the same for a while, but it isn’t a good thing.   It isn’t going to rain for a while.  I am feeling a pressure on my head, and it isn’t going to change until it rains. 

            I am thinking about all the different places in the country and world that are going through extreme weather events.  I know that many are praying for guidance as they try to get through these trying times.  I also think about humankind’s history and how we have dealt with weather before.  There have been floods, droughts, famine, etc.  These events have become part of our history and our stories.  Whenever we deal with them, many people turn to God.  I think it is because when dealing with the weather, we have to face a very scary fact that we are not in control.

            I saw a video the other day of a tornado.  The narrator called it the finger of God.  The reason is that there’s no stopping the destructive force of the tornado.  It is going to go wherever it wants to go. 

            For me, I think having these pressure headaches has taught me to have a respect for nature that I didn’t have before.  I realize more than ever there is very little in the world that I can control except for my own actions.  I cannot even control the pressure on my own head.  It could be scary to think of the world knowing that at anytime everything could be destroyed around me, but I don’t think of the world as scary.  Instead, when I think of the forces of nature, I think of those things that are created by God, just like some see a tornado as the finger of God.  It isn’t bad or good, it just is.  All I can do is know whatever happens, it fits into God’s plan for me.  That’s faith.

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.