
            There’s been so many changes in respect to gender since I was a little girl.  Back then, it was just male and female.  I have to admit that I don’t understand all of it, but I am trying my best to respect it.   I have often written that I believe that the only real sin is when I am not being true to that person that God knows I can be.  I can’t judge anyone else for how they live their life or who they are because when all is said and done, the only person who really knows if I am being true to that person God knows I can be is me.  That’s true of everyone of us. 

            I can’t ever look at how someone else lives and judge that because I don’t know what’s in their heart.  A priest once told me that the worst of the seven deadly sins was pride.  It is a sin of pride for someone to believe that they know better than God about things, but it goes deep than that.   It is a monumental sin of pride to believe that you know what’s inside another person’s heart.  People have used that pride to enslave people, to torture them, and to kill them and many times they claim to do it in the name of God.  However, they are actually doing it in the name of pride.

            The older I get, the wiser I get.  The wiser I get, I learn that I really don’t know very much. The little I do know is about me and who I am and what I have inside my heart.  I hope and pray that I can continue to be respectful and loving towards my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

            I just realized that this is Pride month.  It’s ironic that the people who have often been so hurt by the sinful pride of others have chosen to celebrate their lives with Pride.  It is almost like taking the sinful hate and turning it to a month of love.  That’s amazing.

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.