Unimaginable Blessing

A little while ago someone told me that they hoped that I would receive a blessing greater than anything I could imagine.  My first thought was “Yeah, like I am going to win the lottery or something.”   Then, today I was thinking about it.   What would be an unimaginable blessing? 

The reason it’s so difficult for me to think about is that I already having so many blessing in my life.  More so, I am starting to understand even those things that are challenges in my life were meant to be.   I would never wish anxiety or OCD on my worst enemy, but my life wouldn’t be the same without them.  Even with the abuse that my parents caused, I realize that I wouldn’t be the same person if my parents had been different, and I am thankful for the person I have become. So, there’s a part of me that thinks maybe the unimaginable blessing is life itself.  Somehow my life is this amazing blessing and I’ll never be able to fully comprehend what a blessing it is because sometimes I am going to stumble and fall.  During those times, I will struggle with understanding that blessing.  I see it every day when I watch the news and I see what people do to people. 

Tonight, I pray that we all can recognize the blessing of life that God has given.  May we hold life dear and respect it as the ultimate gift that God has given.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.