God Transcends

            I finished reading this book that emphasized the destructive power of urban legends and stories if people used them for their own evil purposes.  It made me consider today why I find these stories so fascinating. 

            The thing about these stories that fascinates me the most is that there’s a blurring of fact and fiction.   There are parts that could be true, and I never know exactly which parts are.  Strangely enough that’s what my childhood was like, too.  My parents, especially my mother, were constantly lying to me about almost everything.  Looking back, I know that somethings were true, but I’ll never know exactly what was true and what was part of the web of lies.  On the converse, there’s the Bible.  I’ve learned that I can’t go to it for historical truth.  The stories are more there for spiritual guidance than anything else, and yet, I feel deep inside of me, that at least some of it might be true.   Once again, I’ll never know exactly where the truth lies, and the fiction begins. 

            It is strange that life is full of dualities: good and evil, male and female, yin and yang, etc. Here lies before me another duality: fact and fiction.   Yet, when I try to see it through God’s perspective, I am starting to realize that sometimes there’s no way to tell what’s truth and what’s fiction.  Maybe God transcends fact and fiction.  Maybe faith lies beyond what can be proven historically or scientifically.   After all, if there were proof, there wouldn’t be any reason for faith.

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.