Repeating History

            During the COVID pandemic, I was really surprised by all the misinformation and conspiracies.  I kept thinking if it weren’t for the internet, people would know the truth about the virus.   Then today I saw a documentary about the 1918 flu.  During that time, World War I was going on.  It turns out that the government wanted to keep up morale for the war, so they tried to squash any press about the pandemic.  There were conspiracies just like with COVID.  However instead of saying it was the Chinese spreading the virus, it was the Germans spreading the virus through German based Bayer aspirin.  Millions of people lost their lives.  It was truly horrible and millions of families all over the world would never be the same.  Just like it is today. 

            I don’t know if it means that humans are destined to repeat history over and over again. It could be possible.  Maybe with each repetition we get a little better.  The part that I want to focus on is that people see the evils of the world and they start to feel hopeless.   They can’t understand how God could let such horrible things happen.   For me, I look at our history and I see that we survive.   There have been some awful things in our history, floods, famines, wars, pandemics, etc.  Yet, somehow human beings have found a way to endure and survive.  Even when the odds seem stacked against us, we find a way to have hope.   There maybe some horrible things in the world and the evil of some men can be unimaginable, but the hope and love of humanity is pretty amazing too.

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.