
            There’s been a push back because of the controversy revolving around gender identity. When it comes to gender identity, from what I have read, the old idea is that it is a binary system of male and female.  However, there has begun a shift in thinking to an idea that gender is more fluid and should be on a spectrum with male and female being only points along that spectrum.  Given the different ways that people can express themselves sexually, although I cannot understand some of the points along the spectrum, I can understand the idea of a spectrum. 

            The problem arises that as the pendulum swings towards a spectrum of gender identities that same generation rebels against the idea of binaries in general. The word binary has almost become a curse word in our society because it is tantamount to black and white thinking that doesn’t allow for anything in the gray area. 

            The problem is that understanding that nothing is black and white requires the understanding that there are no all encompassing rules, nothing universal, and exceptions always exist.   In other words, while not everything is black and white, there are some things that are black and white.  There’s a danger in any extreme thinking.  I pray that God provide guidance to us all as we continue along on our given paths.  Our country and even the world seems to have become more and more divided as people who claim to not want to cling to binaries hold fast to their ideals without being willing to try to find the middle ground with their brothers and sisters who have differing points of views, values, and skin colors.  The truth is no one to totally wrong or right, there is no one true religion or god, but for me, in my life, God is and His love is enough for me to find the compassion for my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.