My Best Self

            I was talking to my husband today about my philosophy for living.  I said that people are too focused on duality: right versus wrong; good versus evil, virtue versus sin.  Instead, I thought people should focus more on what is true for themselves. For example, it might sound great to want to eat pizza every day.  However, if a person ate all the pizza they wanted every day, soon that person would get sick because overeating junk food everyday isn’t good for the health of the body.  Even if it felt like it was something I wanted to do and it would make me happy, I still wouldn’t do it because it isn’t what is true for me.  It isn’t the type of action I should take if I want to be my best self or in other words if I want to be the person that God sees when He looks down on me from Heaven.

            It’s strange, but when I look at it this way, then all that duality seems to fade away.  I am not trying to be sinless or happy all the time.  I am just trying to be me.  I am created in the image of God.  And it is in the Bible and God is the alpha and the omega.  He is the beginning and end.  If I have His light within me, then I have everything and all possibility within me as well.   There’s no reason for me to try to reject any part of myself; there’s nothing wrong with any part of me, but more so, God created the natural world and there’s no reason to reject that either because He created that as well.   There’re all these amazing scientific discoveries that show how amazing nature is and how beautifully made it is.    I guess it means that when I accept myself and God’s creation as is, I see far more possibilities as miracles than when I try to understand and categorize everything. 

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.