Understanding Nature

The last few days the barometric pressure has been very volatile and then the pollens have been high. It didn’t surprise me when I woke up this morning with a sinus headache.  I took some medications and I tried to get through my day.  About noon, my right eye started to get blurry, and I started to feel a very distinct feeling of migraine pain in my head.  I took my rescue meds and went to relax.

I was very surprised how quickly I reacted to the headache and how I am no longer trying to just work through the pain.  I am trying to respond to my body and care for myself instead.  It turns out that my headaches aren’t as bad when I do that. 

There’s one more insight I had today.  I have been reading about philosophy and religion. Today I read about how before our modern times, people were in tune with their environment.  They understood the nature around them and how that nature impacted their lives and how they lived.  In modern times, with air conditioners, heaters, and other technologies, human beings can live in just about any environment without much trouble. 

I wonder if my barometric headaches could be one of those blessing and curses all at the same time.  It isn’t something I would wish anyone to have; I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to have pressure headaches.  Yet, my pressure headaches have made me more aware of my environment.  I am much more aware of the weather and the nature right outside my window.  Maybe it’s part of God’s plan for me to learn and pay attention to my environment.  Maybe I am supposed to find something in nature that I haven’t ever recognized before. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.