I was talking to my husband about the idea that humans needed to be more in tune with their environment. He told me that in the Native American cultures, instead of thinking that the land belonged to humans, they believed that the human belonged to the land. In that way, humans don’t take whatever they want from the land, instead they are grateful for whatever gifts the land gives to them.
I started to think about this concept. There’s a distinct problem with all the rhetoric concerning environmental change and global warming. Human beings caused this problem, but for some weird reason, we still don’t seem to understand the fundamental idea that we exist within nature. Instead for some reason, we act as if we have dominion over nature and because of that we have the ability to solve this global crisis that we have created. Every time I see a natural disaster and I see the true power of nature; I realize that no amount of science or technology has gotten humankind any closer to being able to match the raw power of nature. Yes, we have mastered the computers, space travel, and other marvels, but when a volcano erupts, a hurricane forms, or a tornado occurs, humans are truly at the mercy of nature.
A few months ago, I realize that I have the light of God within me, and that same light exists in everyone else, but it is also important to realize that God is everywhere. That light exists in the animals, plants, stones, rivers, sun, and stars. I need to be able to see Him everywhere so that I can be grateful for His creation and give it the respect that is due. I want to be able to understand how I fit within the world and nature; not just trying to live however I want not paying to nature at all. It isn’t something I can fix in a day or even a year, but I can try to fix this over a long time. What a wonderful world it would be if everyone tried it.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.