Our Cross to Bear

I was thinking about sin today.  There’s a story about everyone has his own cross to bear where a man tries on carrying different crosses and he finally realizes that the cross that he originally started out with was the one that was right for him. The point of the story is that each one of us has our own hardships and sorrows to bear in life.  I realized today that each of us also has our own sins to bear as well.   I guess what I mean is that there are some sins that don’t even tempt me, and I just wouldn’t ever even think about doing them.  At the same time, those same sins may plague another person.   Just the same, there are some sins that rack my soul all the time, and yet they don’t even occur to other people at all.

            The whole thing just comes down to the same lesson as before: we all have our own unique path to walk in this life.   We should never compare our lives to someone else’s life.  Although we walk similar paths, each of those paths are unique. 

            I find there is also one more point.  In not comparing, we also should never judge one another.  I could never look down or think less of my brother or sister in Christ because of their sin.  I don’t know what it is like for them to suffer and bear that sin just as I would not want others to just me for my sin.  No wonder this part sounds so much like the Lord’s prayer. 

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.