I was talking to a young man today who said that he didn’t believe in the notion that if you love your job you never really work a day in your life. I told him that even if he only found a job he liked, he shouldn’t going through his entire life where he felt like he never did what he really wanted to do. At some point in his life, he should follow his bliss. I explained to him that I had always wanted to write. I finally got my master’s degree, and now I am writing. I don’t know what will come of it, but it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks because I am doing something that makes me happy, and I am following my bliss.
The young man told me he hadn’t figured out yet what he really wanted to do. So, I told him that I hoped he would find it someday. Then he told me what he really wanted to do right now. I’m not going to say what it is because it is part of his story and not mine. What he told me sounded like a waste of time to my life, and as soon as I heard it, I caught myself judging it. I almost immediately stopped myself and asked, “Who am I to judge his bliss?” My bliss is writing, but that’s me and that’s my life. Everyone has their own unique bliss and as long as they aren’t hurting someone else, then they should be able to embrace life and truly live.
I believe that’s why God gave us this amazing gift of life. That’s why God put this young man into my life to show me that everyone has their own bliss.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.