I had an extremely difficult time last night. My husband and I were flying home from a family funeral. We were trying to make a connecting flight to our final destination. When we got to the gate, they told us our gate was changed and we had to go from terminal C to terminal B. When we got to the new gate they told us the gate had to changed again and we had to go from terminal B to Terminal A. By the time, we got to the correct terminal, I was having an anxiety attack, but also because we had to walk so far and so quickly, I was also having an asthma attack. I literally felt like I couldn’t breathe.
At first I wanted to get angry with the airline for doing it to me, but when I found I couldn’t breathe, I didn’t care anymore about being angry; I just wanted to get through it. Several times, I just wanted to stop, fall apart, and completely just give up. I just wanted to sit down on the floor of the airport, start crying, and not get up. However, in my mind, I kept hearing something over and over again that helped me get through it. It is really important and I want to share it.
I kept hearing an inner voice telling me this same message: This is your life. This is all part of it. It may feel bad right now, but you are going to get through it. Let yourself feel this bad part. Let yourself feel life. And if it gets really bad, don’t forget, God is right here with you. He won’t ever abandon you. He won’t ever let it get so bad that you can’t handle it. Just let go and experience this. It will be okay.
I found myself feeling like I couldn’t breathe, crying, and having chest pains. I was in full panic attack and asthma attack. I didn’t want to go through it and yet, in the deepest parts of me, I knew I would be okay because I had faith that in that very moment God was with me and He wasn’t going anywhere.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.