God’s Law

            I overheard this recently while listening to the news, “As long as the right to abortions aren’t safe, neither will you be.”   Right now, in our country, there’s this huge uproar over a supreme court decision about abortion.  I personally would never get an abortion because I believe in the gospel of life, but at the same time I also believe that if God wanted to take away the right to choose, then He would have called all the armies of angels down from Heaven and made all of us bow down to Him and follow His will.  He didn’t because He gave us the right to choose. 

            My problem is this: It is all over the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Jesus talks about how the rulers have made the law of man more important than the law of God.  That’s what’s going on here.  In this situation, everyone has gotten so entrenched in their own position that they aren’t listening to each other and in some cases, they are threatening and even going through with violence to defend those positions.   No one seems to realize that it is possible for both sides to be right and both sides to be wrong.  They don’t seem to realize that it doesn’t matter what laws man passes in the legislature.  This situation is one that requires the law of God.  When it comes to the law of God, no one person can tell another what the moral choice is.  Only God can pass that judgement.   It’s time for a little less hate, fear and anger to be replaced with a lot more peace, understanding, and Christian love. 

            Yes, all life is important, but we aren’t the final judges, God is. Now more than ever in our world, we need to remember God’s law is supreme throughout the world.

            My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.