In the Alien movie franchise, there’s a alien that attaches itself to the person’s face and lays eggs inside the person’s body. Last night, I had a weird dream where there was an insect like a beetle that attached itself to my face and it had a long tail like a scorpion, and it was trying to stick it’s tail into my mouth. I spent a long time during that dream trying to get the insect off of my face and the tail out of my mouth.
I know that dreams often reveal what’s going on beneath the surface, but this dream seems to be very easy to interpret. The insect was attaching itself to my forehead and trying to get into my mouth. It is the physical essence of my mind, body, and spirit especially in Eastern religions. I worry about someone or something trying to violate me and maybe even try to take me over in order to control me. It does really seem all that strange considering that the worst times I have been hurt in my life that’s exactly how I was hurt.
I have also had on my mind the war in Ukraine. There are stories of soldiers just coming into people’s lives and killing them without reason or explanation. One minute they were alive and the next they are dead. Life is so fragile. We can be violated and have God’s gifts taken from us so quickly. It seems so senseless and scary.
I am having a difficult time with it all. I know that God allows it to happen in order to give us free will, but when I see images of such evil and pain, it hurts. I know that I am blessed to not live that nightmare, but at the same time, I wonder if a day will come when I will have to face a similar nightmare. I pray that God will be with me then.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.