Love is Organic

            Yesterday, I wrote about the commandment to not bear false witness.  The entire situation made me think that nothing is simple and straight forward when it comes to God’s commandments or my relationship with God.  What He means to me, what His commandments mean to me, and even what evil and sins mean all are constantly changing.  It’s because the world and I am forever changing. 

The only true constant is that God is.  Some force created our existence.  Even Atheists tend to believe that.  For me, that force is God. 

            Even if everything I know about God is proven wrong, no one can change my faith in God.  No one can change His existence in my heart and soul.  In Christianity, we are in Lent leading up to Easter right now.  It always seemed so crazy to me that we would believe that Jesus just happened to be born in the middle of winter right about the winter solstice and He was crucified right around the spring solstice.  It didn’t.  Those dates were chosen by men for political reasons to make the church more powerful, but there are some people whose faith would crumble if I suggested that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th.  I believe faith should be built upon a foundation of what’s in my heart and spirit, not what a church tells me are facts about my religion. I believe that my idea of God and love are organic and can grow and change as a living thing instead of being something that is as dead as the brick that is used to create a wall in the building of church.   Organic things can grow and bend, when the wind and rain come, they are beaten down, but they are able to recover and grow strong again.  Dead foundations deteriorate over time and when the wind and rain come, they crumble because they can’t bend.  Hate, fear, and anger all feed the dead foundations of our world, but love is organic and grows strong when faith is behind it. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.