The entire course of my life changed exactly twenty-three years ago today. I met my husband for the first time. Some people say that love finds you when you aren’t looking for it or love finds you just at the right time. I don’t know if any of that is true. I do know one thing. I believed for the longest time that once I was mature enough to handle a loving relationship, then I would be able to find love. Every time I found myself alone or when a relationship didn’t work out, I always thought it was because I wasn’t good enough. Looking back, I realized that I was very wrong and misinformed.
The one truth was that right before I met my husband, as far as relationships go, I had hit the lowest point I was ever going to reach in my life. I was lost and confused. Everything felt wrong and I didn’t understand what had happened to me nor why my life had fallen apart. I was slowly putting it back together, but it was going to take years for me to heal and get better. My husband didn’t come at just the right time when I was mature enough. He didn’t come when I was ready. I found him when God knew it was time for our paths to come together.
It wasn’t easy for either of us. I had some really difficult issues to deal with and he did too. However, the love we found was worth the work we had to put in to make a marriage work. That love is the reason we still put in work to make our marriage work. We choose every day to love and we choose every day to make God the center of our relationship.
I never would have guessed that the turn in the path I took that day would lead me to where I am today, but I am forever grateful that I found that turn. There’s no other human being in this world that I love more than my husband; he’s my favorite. I am so very thankful to have him in my life because even the worst day with him is a hundred times better than the best day without him.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.