Faith in Auras

I have migraine headaches.  For years, I have been told that people who suffer from migraines get auras that let them know that a headache is coming on.  I haven’t been great about noticing them.  However, recently, I have gotten better at noticing the signs of migraines.  I have been able to notice different little things that happen to me physically and mentally.

            First, I start to have trouble with lifting my arms.  The muscles around my shoulders and neck get really tense and start to spasm.  This spasm causes difficulty in my being able to lift my arms over my head.  I notice it whenever I try to brush my hair.  Next, I tend to be more anxious when I have a migraine come on.  I feel like I am having more anxiety attack symptoms and my OCD thoughts tend show up more.  Finally, it is really difficult to notice, but my eyesight changes just a little.  I think the vision in my right eye gets a little blurry.  It is really difficult to notice because when I see with both eyes, it is a very subtle change in vision. 

            I don’t know if paying attention to all the auras or signs of migraine will help me be able to catch the headache at the beginning and stop it from turning into a bigger problem.  I hope that if I do it will.  Today is the first time, I ever really noticed all the signs before I started to get pain.  As soon as I got pain, I took my meds and I am hoping that this headache won’t be that bad.

            Dealing with the headache this way is scary.  It’s like having faith in the auras.  I don’t really know if the signs are going to help or not, but I am willing to take a chance and see what happens.  That’s the way faith in God works most of the time in my life.  I face scary challenges all the time and I never know what is going to happen.  Yet I face them anyway because I of my faith in God.   I see signs and I take chances.  I don’t know what the outcomes will be, but I do know God will be with me whatever happens and that’s enough.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.