
I just watched a video about symbols that are supposedly “dangerous” for Christians because they are demonic.  The video made me laugh because it showed that the person who made the video had not studied symbology in depth at all.  Instead, they just made the symbols fit their “Christian” views.   

The worst one was the idea that the snake eating its own tail was a demonic symbol because it suggested a world of duality where good and evil were both equal forces in the world and that life was an ongoing process without a definite beginning, middle, and end.   

In the very next breath, the video claims that the Christian God gives us a way for good to conquer over evil and that through Jesus our life does have a end with death where we will find eternal rest.  

So, let me break it down: according to the video itself, the Christian God created a dualistic system of good and evil, where somehow there’s a struggle where one of these forces will eventually conquer the other.  And when we die, we will find ourselves in some type of eternal resting place forever where it never ends.  The exact same things that it had a problem with the non-Christian system.  

I don’t want to judge anyone, but if we criticize other people’s belief systems, I think it would be helpful to at least use a little logic.   

I don’t know what the answers are.  I just know that God created everything and that’s something that most people tend to forget.  God created love, goodness, and peace.  He also created evil, hatred, and war.   God gave us Gandi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa, but He also gave us Atila the Hun, Charles Manson, and Hitler.  These things are all part of the bigger picture.  They are all part of His grand plan.  I don’t know what it is, but I have faith in God.  So, I try my best to live the best life I can and I am going to try to share His message with the world.  I don’t know what happens when I die, but I hope that I am part of a Universal Life and that my sad little life will have meaning somehow.   

As for demonic symbols and fearing evil, human beings made those symbols.  We decided what they mean, and we gave them their power.  I refuse to give a symbol or anything else power over me because the only thing that has true power over my life is God.  I am His child, and I hold Him above all else in my life.  It’s part of the greatest commandment. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.