I finished my project today. I feel really good about it because it has been several years since I had the idea and now I have a finished novel for it. There is still more ahead for this journey, but I like knowing that I have reached this milestone.
That made me think about milestones. Life is a journey and I’m never going to reach an end goal. It doesn’t work that way. I won’t ever get to a prize or reward at the end. I won’t ever reach a state of perfection. I won’t ever be the person that God knows that I can be. So, if I can’t do those things, why try?
It’s a great question. The answer is because I can find my meaning in the experiences of my life. I may not reach perfection, but I can achieve progress. Being able to grow and know what it is like to become a better person makes all the difference in the world.
Recently we had a Presidential election and the results were very disheartening to me. I felt that the results told me that the people around me either didn’t care about the same things I cared about or they didn’t have the same values that I had. The idea that so many people were like that depressed me, but then I remembered that being a person of faith isn’t about wanting everyone to thinking the same or even believe the same. Being a person of faith is about having hope for the world and loving all my brothers and sisters as they are regardless of what they believe or how they act.
In my life’s journey, there will be milestones, in my own life and in the world. Some will be good and some not so great, but if I believe that those experiences help us to move forward and become better no matter how slowly and even when setbacks, then that means there’s hope for the world.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.