I just spent several hours editing my new novel and feel very tired like my brain just went through final exams. I didn’t think that I was writing a novel that had any meaningful themes or symbols in it. I just had an idea. I wrote it. I was very surprised by how very commercial the idea was because it is very marketable. Yet, today as I finished the marathon edit, I realized that for me, there’s no escaping the power of faith and love in my life.
I found myself realizing that my story had powerful themes about faith, love, loyalty and religion without my trying to do so. I have often wondered why someone, like me, who essentially wants to share messages of faith and love is drawn to horror. I guess it’s because horror explores the light, the dark, and everything in between. If I really think about it, most holy texts would be considered horror with the awful deaths, supernatural entities, and everything else that happens, but they are also great stories of love and faith. So, maybe it’s not so strange for me to want to use horror to show how badly religion can go wrong and how well faith and love can transform a life. At least, I hope one day, my writing might to do that. For now, I will just follow the path and keep hoping.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.