I read something online about having emotional support from a spouse. It made me very emotional. In less than a month, I will celebrate knowing my husband for twenty-five years. When we went out for our wedding anniversary this year, the waiter asked us what was the secret to a long marriage. My husband joked that it was not having kids. To be honest, we do realize that kids cause a huge stress on the marriage and we didn’t put that strain on our marriage. However, we have had a lot of ups and downs.
So, what is the secret to a long marriage? I realized today that all my life, my family had told me that they would be there for me, but when I turned twenty and really needed them, they weren’t there. That day I knew they were never there for me and would never be there. I felt alone and I grieved for a long time the loss of that feeling that I had the support of a family. Then, I met my husband and I felt like a met my soul mate. Over the years, it hasn’t always been easy. We have had difficult times in our marriage. I have had times when I questioned if he really was my soul mate. I have had moments when I looked at him and thought I didn’t know who he really was. However, I made a vow to love, honor, and respect this man for the rest of my life and I made this vow before God. For me, that is sacred, and I would never break it. No matter what happens, I am staying by his side, and I may question a lot about him, but I know that he isn’t going to leave me.
What I read today asked: what do you do when your partner doesn’t support you and doesn’t understand? The answer for me was sometimes my partner won’t support me or understand me, but that’s marriage. It doesn’t change his love for me. He has stood by my side for almost twenty-five years, and that is more than anyone else has done. It means a lot.
It’s like God’s love. God doesn’t want me to be a perfect human being. God wants me to be the best person I can be. He accept me as I am and stands by me always. I don’t expect my husband to be perfect. I accept and love him as he is and I will stand by him just as he stands by me because our love is meant to be an example of God’s love here on earth. I hope it is.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.