I watched a video that tried to explain a movie. This explanation talked about the difference between heaven and earth and also time and space. When I see these ideas explained I understand them, but I always feel like it doesn’t go deep enough.
Here’s the idea: In Plato’s cave, the person is staring at a wall, and he sees shadows on the wall. Then somehow, he gets loose. He turns around. He sees a fire that burns his eyes, but once his eyes adjust, he sees that the shadows on the walls are reality. They are merely shadows created by some forms that are being placed behind the fire, and their shadow is what is reflected on the wall. The person goes through a transformation and a process of grief because he believed that the shadows were reality and instead, he learns the truth. That’s what it feels like most people get to when they talk about God, time and space, and heaven and hell. Yet, in Plato’s cave, the man can get completely freed, he can stand and walk out of the cave. When he does, he will see the sun for the first time, and it will blind him. Eventually, his eyes will adjust, and he will see real objects like cows, horses, and trees for the first time. He will know that those forms that created the shadows were poor imitations of the real objects.
When it comes to God, time and space, and heaven and hell, I realize most people don’t want to hear what I believe because they haven’t walked outside the cave. God is the one who created everything. He exists outside of time and space. We understand reality in terms of time and space, but God doesn’t need that construct. If God created everything, God created both Heaven and Hell, He created both good and evil, and He created the angels as well as Satan. He has a plan, and His creation is perfect. Our God is an awesome God. However, at some point, I realized that human beings put values on things so that we can understand our world. God being all powerful and all knowing doesn’t need to do that. He understands the universe in ways that I don’t comprehend just yet, but I have faith in Him. As I continue in my life’s journey, I try to follow His guidance because I believe in His plan for me.
I don’t believe in Heaven or Hell anymore. I don’t believe anyone knows what happens when we die. However, I do know that I am a part of the life force that has been on Earth since the beginning of life on Earth and I will be a part of the life force that will be on Earth until it’s end. I don’t care what happens when I die. Knowing that I am part of the life force means I am part of an everlasting immortal life and that is enough.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.