Our Beliefs Shape our Lives

I firmly believe that we make our own reality. Our beliefs shape our lives.  If a person believes in God, then God exists for that person no matter what the reality is.  In fact, to be honest, fantasy and reality is another one of those dichotomies that God transcends.  Nothing is truly real or not real when it comes to God.    It’s what I believe that makes a difference in my experience of life.   

Today, I found the experience of my spirit, mind, and body all converging together in a very beautiful way.  I am learning that God doesn’t exist in dichotomies and absolutes.  He doesn’t place categories and values on things the way that humans do.  And if I really want to find peace with myself, with God, and with the world, then I need to stop trying to see the world through human eyes and try to see it with more open eyes.   

At the same time, I am writing a novel. I am enjoying the experience and at no time did I think that this novel had anything to do with faith, belief, or philosophy.  It was going to be a simple horror novel.  And yet, as a enter the third act, a theme emerges within the writing, where my antagonist has set up a clear division between light and dark and within that division created something truly horrific, while my protagonist exists in the space between the light and dark.  As I found myself writing about the theme, I saw it falling into place clearly from my unconscious mind, but almost like pieces of a puzzle falling together.  I recognize that what I am learning about God and life is emerging in my writing.  I realize that in our world people seem to want to separate the light from the dark, the good from the evil, and so on.  That’s what happens in the first few verses of the first book of the Bible, but no one ever seems to notice that before good and evil and before the darkness and light, God existed.   

He is the Alpha and the Omega.  He exist beyond all knowing, all categorization, and all values.  He is bigger than anything I can imagine. He exists.  It’s a simple idea, but a powerful one.  Although I won’t ever understand it, I do know that I can understand that God isn’t black and white.   My understanding of the universe won’t come by categorizing the things or placing value on everything I see.  Instead, I will find what I need by looking in the gray.  Finding those place that are like the Yin/Yang symbol where the two opposites exist in one.  Accepting the paradoxes because if I can even for a moment understand how to accept them, then maybe I can accept myself, my enemy, my brother, my sister, and the peace that I seek. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.