I don’t think there are coincidences. When I was a little girl, I loved the color orange for some strange reason, but I didn’t like to wear it. I didn’t like to eat it very much. I just liked the way it looked sometimes. Then, as I grew into adulthood, my color changed to purple. It’s ironic because I love to wear purple, I love the way it looks, and recently, I realized that I like to eat purple foods. I like drinking water flavored with grape. It turns the water purple. I like the red grapes better than the green grapes. My favorite wine is red instead of white. I have fallen in love with the purple sweet potato. I think it might become my favorite vegetable.
So, today I looked up what the chakras for orange and purple are. The orange charka is the sacral chakra located in the lower abdomen and it is associated with the physical. The purple charka is the crown chakra located just above the head and it is associated with the spiritual. And so my story goes…a vert strong spiritual sense of self where I feel close to God and almost a little out of this world, and yet something draws me back to this physical world.
I’ve been given this amazing gift to be able to understand so much and yet I still haven’t found a way to bring the purple and orange together. This physical world and this physical body hold the key to all the mysteries of the universe. I don’t think it is a coincidence that we have ten fingers and ten toes. I don’t think it is a coincidence that in some ways our bodies are symmetrical and in others we aren’t. I believe that everything about spirituality can be found within and not just within my heart and soul, but within my own body and mind.
I hope that one day I will learn how to find a balance between the purple and the orange. I still love orange. At the same time that I discovered purple sweet potato, I also discovered a love for butternut squash which is a beautiful color of orange on the inside. Like, I said…no coincidences.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.