
Today in my writing group, the idea about Agnosticism came up. I think of myself as a Catholic Agnostic. That might seem like a paradox, but I don’t think so. Agnostics believe that nothing can really be known about God. Now, I believe a lot of things about God because of my Catholic upbringing. I also believe a lot of things about God because of my life experience, my studies, and my own personal philosophy. However, I also recognize one particularly important aspect of God: God exists at a level that I can’t understand, imagine, or even fathom. My experience of life, the physical world, and even God Himself is all colored by my feeble human body and mind. While I might learn about God and come to understand this life experience, I realize that this life experience belongs to me and only me. It could be a computer simulation, it could be a dream, or it could be something so outrageous I can’t even imagine what it is. In my belief system, what the experience is really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what other living things’ experience is either. All that matters is my faith in God because God is the only truth I know. Everything else could be an illusion, but without doubt, God is real to me.  

I can live with that. No matter what happens in my life, I can hold onto that belief. No one can ever take it away from me and it sustains me more than anything else. I wouldn’t trade it for all the money, power, or fame in the world. That’s what my faith means to me. 

My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.