People don’t want to hear the Truth

One of the most interesting qualities about serial killers and psychotic individuals that I have read about is that even though they are narcissistic and have no empathy for others, they are extremely good at manipulating others, being charismatic, and fitting in at almost any social situation.  The interesting part is that whatever qualities these people have other people are drawn to them and yet, people who aren’t like that are the ones that are shunned by society and they are the ones that we think of most often as being mentally unstable and socially unacceptable in our society.   

I think about the thought experiment that asks: what would happen if Jesus had come in modern times instead of the time that He did come?  I’ve even seen a few movies that dealt with the idea, but they were Christian and had a slant to the story that made it seem more parable than reality.  If Jesus did come during this technological era instead of 2000 years ago, I am totally positive that He would be labelled as a religious zealot and have many enemies against Him.  Of course, He would, He did when He was alive.  It would just be so much worse now.  Before His ministry even had a chance, the rich politicians in power would label Him and drag Him through the mud out of fear of losing their power.  His message of love and peace would get twisted and turned around in social media so that those in power could make it seem that He wasn’t who He really is.   They would try to make Him appear to be the problem in our society and getting rid of Him would be the solution.    

It’s an easy thought experiment.  That’s what they did 2000 years ago.  That’s why they crucified Him.  People don’t want to hear truth; they don’t want to know the reality of existence. Most people just want to see the latest trending video on social media.   

If someone tried to tell them the truth, they will figuratively or literally try to crucify that person.  We would rather kill, then face the truth of our own existence.   Today, I don’t feel like I could see the light of God in others.   Today, I don’t feel a connect with my other brothers and sisters in Christ.  Today, I feel alien.   

I learned this week that the goat was a special creature in ancient times. They would pile all their sins and troubles on the goat and send it out to be sacrificed for them.  This ritual was how the term scapegoat came into existence.   Even before the story of Jesus, people were looking for something to take on their guilt and their shame because they couldn’t bear it.  No one wanted to look at themselves and ask if they could be better?   They just figured it would be easier to symbolically use a goat instead?   

I pray that God help me to find some answer.  Please help me to understand how to find the light and come out of this darkness.  I really want to believe that everyone has some light within them.  Yet sometimes, I wonder if it is just a stupid wish of mine. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.