I am working on a writing project. I am struggling with how to convey parts of my story where it feels like it would be easier to just tell the reader what happened instead of showing them through my words the pictures in my head of what the story is. It is a common problem among writers, but I think it is poignant that I am having this struggle right now.
At the same time, I am having this struggle, I am also struggling in my own life with being mindful about being alive and being thankful for every moment that I am alive. I wrote yesterday that I don’t want to go through my life like a zombie just going through the motions and not really being aware of the amazing gift that God has given me. It’s a parallel struggle to what I need to do in my writing, I can’t just go through my life telling God that I am thankful for my life, I need to be willing to show God that I am thankful for my life. In my actions, my thoughts, and my deeds, I need to show the world, myself, and God that my life is a beautiful gift from God. And maybe that’s what I need to help me with my writing. It isn’t enough to tell someone a story because it doesn’t convey the feeling that I have about the story I want to tell. I have to show them the pictures in my head so that they can begin to feel what I feel when I see those pictures in my head.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.