I write about God giving me signs all the time. Sometimes I wonder if I am just reading too much into things and sometimes I feel like the signs are so in my face that I can’t doubt that God or the universe or whatever is telling me what I need to know. That happened today.
My husband and I were at the grocery store and we forgot dog food. He said he would get it and I should wait at the front of the store for him. I said he should give me the car keys and I would load the car while he got it. Then, I thought that it might be dangerous for a woman alone in a parking lot. Immediately, I recognized my mom’s thinking. After all, it was ten a.m. on a Friday. I should be loading the groceries instead of my husband because he had hurt his ribs and he walks faster than I do so he would be the best choice to go get the dog food. In a split second, I dismissed the thought that it would be dangerous.
I walked out to the parking lot alone. I smiled when I saw how many people where in the parking lot. I even saw an older man sitting in his car next to my car. I also observed a big SUV in the middle of the aisle with it’s blinker on waiting for another car to leaving a space so that it could park. However, I really started to laugh when I saw what was behind the SUV, I saw a patrol car for the security service for that very parking lot. The patrol car sat right behind my own car. The Universe had given me a sign and literally thrown it straight in my face that whatever my mom had done to teach me to be so afraid of this world wasn’t true. Yes, this world is full of evil and it can be dangerous, but it is also filled with God’s creations. There’s love and light inside of everyone and everything if I open my eyes and look for it. When I arrived home, my husband and I saw our neighbor. We went to talk to him. He was wearing a cap that said, “God is good all the time.”
Today is one of those days that I am 100% sure that there are signs everywhere and God is guiding me.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.