I read some of my friends’ work today. What really got to me the most is the feeling that my experience of the world isn’t the same as everyone else. We are all different and we all have different experiences. God has a different plan for each of us. It is a sin of pride for me to assume that I understand what someone else’s life is like and at the same time I need to try to understand them. However, sometimes when we try to understand someone it is possible to see them as less than a person.
If I tell someone that I have OCD. I appreciate that they try to understand that I have OCD, but I also need them to respect the fact that OCD doesn’t define who I am. My race, my religion, my gender identity, etc also don’t define who I am. I am a person complicated with many different facets and when people look at me, I want them to see all of me not just a characteristic like OCD or Hispanic or female. And if I believe that I should love others as I love myself, then I guess when I look at others, I should do the same for them. People aren’t just one thing ever. They play many roles. They have many characteristics. They lead full lives. I may never be able to fully understand everything about them, but I can try to respect them and know that they are. Just like I am.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.